
Manufacturing Operations: Achieving Real-Time Visibility Across Global Plants.

In the realm of manufacturing, real-time visibility is a game-changer. This case study dives into a project centered on enhancing visibility and operational efficiency. The client, a leading manufacturer with multiple plants, grappled with siloed Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) across its facilities, hindering unified plant operation views and making production transfers cumbersome. Competenza, a seasoned technology solutions provider, stepped in to design and implement an advanced MES solution, harmonizing operations and enabling real-time visibility across all plants and product lines.

manufacturer project case study


The client’s manufacturing landscape was marked by a significant challenge – each plant operated independently with its MES, resulting in a fragmented view of plant operations. Transferring production from one plant to another was a formidable task due to this siloed approach. The client recognized the need for a single, advanced MES design that could seamlessly span all manufacturing environments and product lines, ensuring consistency and enhancing operational efficiency.



Competenza brought its extensive consulting, blueprinting, design, development, deployment, and business process expertise to the table to craft a solution that would address these challenges comprehensively.

manufacturer project case study


Management. Compliance. Tracking.

manufacturer project case study

Key Features

Manager-of-Managers Architecture

Our team devised a robust "manager-of-managers" architecture that harmonized operations across plants and provided the real-time visibility the client sought. This architecture acted as a central control hub, aggregating data and insights from diverse MES systems.

Implementation Plan

A meticulous implementation plan was crafted, categorizing sites based on complexity. Parameters such as the number of workflows, interfaces, and automation levels were considered, ensuring a tailored approach for each plant.

Global Rollout

The new system was systematically rolled out across plants worldwide, seamlessly integrated with SAP to further enhance operational efficiency and data consistency.


Key Results

Unified Plant Operations

The “manager-of-managers” architecture unified plant operations, providing a single source of truth and real-time visibility across the entire manufacturing landscape.

Efficient Production Transfers

Transferring production from one plant to another became streamlined and efficient, allowing the client to adapt swiftly to changing demands.

Standardization and Consistency

The standardized MES design ensured consistency in operations and data across all plants and product lines.

Cloud Based


Competenza’s solution successfully addressed the client’s challenges in manufacturing operations, unifying plant views and providing real-time visibility. The project not only streamlined production transfers but also laid the foundation for standardized, consistent, and efficient manufacturing processes. By harmonizing operations and integrating with SAP, the client has embarked on a journey towards enhanced efficiency, agility, and data-driven decision-making across its global manufacturing network.

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